by Meta Lab | Jul 16, 2023 | TECHNOLOGY
Privacy by Design mengacu pada prinsip desain yang memasukkan perlindungan data pribadi sebagai bagian integral dalam setiap tahap pengembangan produk atau layanan. Dalam video ini, kami akan menjelaskan konsep dan prinsip-prinsip Privacy by Design. Jadi, jika Anda...
by R. Prima | Sep 11, 2022 | DATA SCIENCE
Strategy to implement MDM Do you want to learn more about MDM? Good concept, but don’t make the frequent error of immediately acquiring tools and data. First, secure your organization’s support, because data impacts every department. #1 Clean data Starting...
by R. Prima | Sep 11, 2022 | TECHNOLOGY
How to implement Data Governance using MDM? Master data management is defined as a “holistic framework comprised of people, processes, and technology that optimizes data from many sources and makes it available when and where it is required.” A...
by Satyaning Pradnya Paramita | Aug 7, 2022 | DATA SCIENCE
In “Operations Research in Practice (Part 2): Generic Problems”, we discussed the second step of OR in pratice. Once an operations researcher successfully converts the business problem into an OR generic problem, the next step is to formulate the generic problem into...
by Satyaning Pradnya Paramita | Jul 21, 2022 | DATA SCIENCE
In “Operations Research in Practice (Part 1): Identifying Problems”, we discussed the first step of OR in practice. Once the problem is successfully identified and structured, an operations researcher will move forward to the second task: converting the problem into a...
by Hadi Purnama Jati | Jul 17, 2022 | INSIGHT, TECHNOLOGY
As a company leader, you must be familiar with the role of Data Scientist and Data Analyst, but, have you ever heard about the role of Data Protection Officer? What is the Data Protection Officer (DPO)? When the organization require to follow EU General Data...
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