Home 5 CASE STUDY 5 Data-Driven Approach to Increase “Cover Super” Website Traffic

Data-Driven Approach to Increase “Cover Super” Website Traffic

by | December 31, 2021


PT Cover Super Indonesian Global or known as Cover Super is a startup that aims to provide the best quality car cover in Indonesia. The Startup wants to optimize its brand for a one-stop car and motorcycle knowledge website for the customer; therefore, the customer decides to buy Cover Super for their car/motorcycle cover. Cover Super created coversuper.com as the commerce website and Cover Super blog for SEO optimization. 

Before discovering Search Engine Optimization (SEO) best practices using Meta Lab expertise, Cover Super allocated a budget to create content based on SEO research. Cover Super wants if customers think about “car cover”, Cover Super will be the top of mind to search a product related to car cover. Meta Lab and Cover Super work together to develop a strategy for SEO. 

The Solution

The first step to constructing an SEO strategy is to discuss it together with the Client, Cover Super. The initial discussion is to learn from the client, what is their objective of the business and what is Cover Super’s expectation from the customer.

It is a crucial discussion since the objective is the driver of SEO research and development of the website. We need to make sure what is the user’s intention when the users do a search session. According to Yoast, there are several intentions of search :

  • Informational intent
    People looking for information conduct a large number of internet searches. This might be weather information, education information for youngsters, SEO information, or anything else. People that have an informative intent have a specific question or wish to learn more about a particular issue.
  • Navigational intent
    The second type of search purpose is known as navigational intent. People with this purpose desire to go to a specific website. People who look for [Facebook] online, for example, are typically on their way to the Facebook website. So you want to make sure that your website can be found when someone searches for your company’s name online.
  • Transactional intent
    The third form of search intent is transactional intent. Many individuals shop online and search the web for the greatest deal. People search with transactional intent when they intend to buy anything at that time. Often, this indicates they already know exactly what they want to buy and just want to get to that product page as soon as possible.
  • Commercial investigation
    Some people plan to buy in the (near) future and utilize the internet to perform their study. Which washing machine is the best? Which SEO plugin is the most useful? These people have transactional intent as well but require more effort and persuasion. These forms of search intent are sometimes referred to as commercial investigating intentions.

Cover Super decides the informational and transactional intent will be dominant for their keyword since the objective is to share car and motorcycle tutorials and introduce the product at the same time. 

source : www.sitecentre.com.au

Going beyond data and technology, Meta Lab uses our value to fulfill the client’s objective by elaborating the objective into the data-driven method in order to optimize the SEO of Cover Super’s website. But before we do research, we always explain that primarily SEO is divided into two processes of optimization. It is SEO on-page and SEO off-page.

SEO on-page is about the practice of optimizing web pages for specific keywords in order to improve search visibility and traffic. SEO on-page fully focuses on the practice that we can develop in the website itself such as optimizing the structure, the content, and the engagement with the customers. However, SEO off-page is actions taken outside of your own website to impact your rankings within search engine results pages such as backlink and social media awareness.

Therefore, the first strategy is focusing on SEO on-page by developing several keywords based on the root keyword from the first discussion. Meta Lab uses SEMRUSH as the tool of keyword research and scoring all of the keywords based on the volume, competition, and checking the competitor that also uses the same keyword.

With the data-driven method, we can focus on the keyword that is not having high competition and also we prefer a “long-tail” keyword to get targeted customers.

With the data-driven method, we can focus on the keyword that is not having high competition and also we prefer a “long-tail” keyword to get targeted customers.

The development of the keyword followed by the article creation written by one author and one editor from Cover Super taught by Meta Lab expert in order to standardize the article based on SEO optimization.

The development of the article took around three months to finish around 100 articles. In the process, Meta Lab also monitors the health of the Cover Super site to make sure that there is no bad structure such as broken link, duplicate meta description, no headline (H1, H2, etc).

Moreover, Meta Lab also checks the incoming keyword from the Google Search Console to get some ideas of how the customer finds the website and research further the right keyword for the Cover Super to stay in the industry.

The Result

Cover Super is the leading product in the car cover industry and has always been one of the top car cover products. Thanks to SEO optimization that improves the brand awareness to the public. 

Cover Super traffic stable in around 400-750 unique visitors a day and continue to be the leader in their industry. Based on te Cover Super marketing, more than 50% of total customers know Cover Super from Google Search which means the customer gets the awareness of the brand from the search activity and SEO optimization is radically improving the website visibility in the search engine.

However, SEO optimization is not a one-time work, it needs consistency in website monitoring. Until now, our experts have always monitored the website and our focus is to establish a better customer experience and wants to achieve zero error website.

Hadi Purnama Jati
Hadi Purnama Jati

Jati graduated his Master’s in ICT in Business and the Public Sector from Leiden University, the Netherlands. He is now currently pursuing his PhD from Leiden University on the topic of data privacy for the VODAN-Africa project.